Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Javanese in Suriname to work on Dutch plantations based on the contract system. In the agreement, they have the right to return to their homeland (repatriate) when his contract is up.

The Javanese in Suriname to work on Dutch plantations based on the contract system. In the agreement, they have the right to return to their homeland (repatriate) when his contract is up.

photo: Immigrants Java in the depot after arriving in Paramaribo with the ship "Forward" in 1894.
Tropenmuseum collection 60012350

Orang-orang Jawa di Suriname bekerja di perkebunan Belanda berdasar sistem kontrak. Dalam perjanjian, mereka mempunyai hak untuk pulang ke tanah air (repatriasi) bila masa kontraknya sudah habis.

foto: Imigran Jawa di depot setelah tiba di Paramaribo dengan kapal "Forward" tahun 1894.
koleksi tropenmuseum 60012350

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