Friday, August 5, 2016

Bung Karno AND IBRAHIM ADJIE. Besides Ahmad Yani, a figure such as Abraham Adjie also has its own closeness with the Leader of the Revolution, Bung Karno. Even personally Bung Karno considers Ibrahim Adjie like a child. So close, until two days after the occurrence of the Movement 30 S, secretly even seem in a hurry, Bung Karno sent a letter to Ibrahim Adjie - which, when it served as Pangdam VI Siliwangi. A letter bearing the letterhead of the President's aide (aide and then crossed out by BK) reads: Anakda I. Adjie, Military Command VI Please co-operation as well as possible with Br. Wiriadinata, menjelamatkan Air Force, ADRI and the Revolution. Safety of the Air Force and the ADRI is absolute - need to face Nekolim. Mr. Sukarno 3-10-1965 Wiriadinata called Bung Karno, was none other than Air Vice Marshal R.H.A. Wiriadinata. Urang Sumedang who was then serving as Inspector General of the Air Force Headquarters. In situations of obscure (who's friend and who the opponent) at the time, if only reasonable if the two high-ranking officers are regarded and trusted by the president himself, given the proximity between them. So successful have they both carry out the mandate of the Bung Karno? History tells us the trip; no. Before they move further, Ibrahim Adjie then "didubeskan" to London, England and Wiriadinata "disipilkan" the vice governor of Jakarta, accompanied Ali Sadikin. And history also notes that all things will Soekarno tragic, neutered and dwarfed. Even loyalists of the President of the Navy, General Hartono, were targeted intelligence operations commonly known as Operation Dolphins. Nothing remained of Bung Karno and since then resmilah own marriage between dictatorship with Necolim in Indonesia beloved. Photo: Bung Karno, Ny. Milica Adjie Adjie and Lt. Gen. Ibrahim (Ibrahim family documents Adjie) Source: Adapted from Jo FB Hendi and other sources.

Bung Karno AND IBRAHIM ADJIE. Besides Ahmad Yani, a figure such as Abraham Adjie also has its own closeness with the Leader of the Revolution, Bung Karno. Even personally Bung Karno considers Ibrahim Adjie like a child. So close, until two days after the occurrence of the Movement 30 S, secretly even seem in a hurry, Bung Karno sent a letter to Ibrahim Adjie - which, when it served as Pangdam VI Siliwangi. A letter bearing the letterhead of the President's aide (aide and then crossed out by BK) reads: Anakda I. Adjie, Military Command VI Please co-operation as well as possible with Br. Wiriadinata, menjelamatkan Air Force, ADRI and the Revolution. Safety of the Air Force and the ADRI is absolute - need to face Nekolim. Mr. Sukarno 3-10-1965 Wiriadinata called Bung Karno, was none other than Air Vice Marshal R.H.A. Wiriadinata. Urang Sumedang who was then serving as Inspector General of the Air Force Headquarters. In situations of obscure (who's friend and who the opponent) at the time, if only reasonable if the two high-ranking officers are regarded and trusted by the president himself, given the proximity between them. So successful have they both carry out the mandate of the Bung Karno? History tells us the trip; no. Before they move further, Ibrahim Adjie then "didubeskan" to London, England and Wiriadinata "disipilkan" the vice governor of Jakarta, accompanied Ali Sadikin. And history also notes that all things will Soekarno tragic, neutered and dwarfed. Even loyalists of the President of the Navy, General Hartono, were targeted intelligence operations commonly known as Operation Dolphins. Nothing remained of Bung Karno and since then resmilah own marriage between dictatorship with Necolim in Indonesia beloved. Photo: Bung Karno, Ny. Milica Adjie Adjie and Lt. Gen. Ibrahim (Ibrahim family documents Adjie) Source: Adapted from Jo FB Hendi and other sources.

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